Ukulele Concert Saturday Night, with More Summer Concerts to Come!

| May 30, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Susan Mumma

russ teachingI am starting this year’s Crazy Crow Concerts with that zanny guy from Fairbanks, Ukulele Russ.  He is a wonderful uke player and will give us a concert Saturday night, May 31st at 7:30pm here at the Seldovia Rowing Club ( ready or not).  I will have some desserts, but pot-luck desserts are welcome.  Please bring your kids because this will be a special treat.  $15 is the suggested donation, but bring whatever you can to help support Russ who does play uke for a living!
Please RSVP ..if we get tons of people we might need to expand somewhere or get more chairs.    907-299-1612 or 234-7614
Ukulele Russ is also going to be giving a workshop about ukulele playing on Sunday at 2:00pm at the Seldovia Rowing Club. Bring your own uke if you have one, and we do have some to loan if you don’t.  I guess we have enough extras  for about 17 people!!!  This is going to be really fun. Wouldn’t it be great if Seldovia could have its own Ukulele Orchestra?   Let’s help the Ukulele Club of Seldovia make this happen.  It will be $10 if you didn’t attend the concert, but free if you did.  (I hope that is ok with Russ!)
check out  for more about Russ and this summer’s Crazy Crow  events, and check out below for the summer concerts coming up!

concert list

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