Thoughts To Ponder… The Science of Happiness

| September 12, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

SmilingEllieI had to share this – happiness, is not just a choice, but it is determined by what we focus on and how we appreciate who we are now, and how grateful we are for all the great people we are surrounded by each day, the beautiful city we live in, the health of our families, etc.

Enjoy this video by SoulPancake – so good!

Who or what are YOU grateful for?  Write a letter…below is mine.

I am grateful that we have had the wonderful opportunity to raise our family in the community of Seldovia.

LOVE COASTAL LIVING: Living in Fairbanks, I always knew that it wasn’t a long-term situation.  I have always been a “water baby” in the sense that I appreciate being close to the ocean, and rarely feel “right” when far from the water and salty sea air, and my husband feels the same.   Growing up on Bainbridge Island, with the Puget Sound at our front yard, building sand and seaweed castles with my friends, digging up gouey ducks and the annual spring time “putting out the raft” for our swimming pleasure and views of Mt Rainier and Seattle were the backdrop to our daily beach time.  Somehow, that never leaves you.  So, when we came to Seldovia for the first time, I was instantly in love with this place, it was like coming home.

MESMERIZED BY THE BEAUTIFUL SETTING: Seldovia is glorious!  The salty sea air, the big trees, mountain views, easy and challenging trails to hike, abundant wildlife, gorgeous clear waters, protected bay and charming harbor, quiet streets (most of the time – unless you’re here on the 4th of July!) and full of folks we are thankful to call friends.

CHERISH FAMILY AND SCHOOL LIFE:  We brought our family here – to grow, to be and to enjoy a life together.  Living in this small community, where the school is about a block away, we are grateful that we are able to eat all three meals together as a family each day.  Our kids enjoy a small school experience, in multi-age classrooms where they are mentored, and have the opportunity to mentor the younger students – it can be a truly wonderful method of learning!  Seldovia students enjoy team sports and are able to travel in planes and boats to compete with rival schools across the bay.  We are so thankful for an amazing Booster Club that works with the students to raise funds for their academic and athletic travels.  Though a teen may exclaim “This is a small town, there’s nothing to do here!” – I heard the EXACT same complaint when I lived in Hawaii  “I want to move, and get off this rock – there is nothing to do here!”  I believe this is more often a teen attitude than a locational situation.

I’m thankful that our family enjoys a ton of family time. (isn’t that one of  the most important things anyway?)  As I was writing this, (though I had to stay behind due to my work commitments and client arrivals) my husband and two kids were out fishing for reds at Tutka Bay for a weekend of fun on our boat!  In addition to fishing for King Salmon and Reds, living in a rural community, all 4 of us have our SHARC (Subsistence Halibut Registration Card) and can fish subsistence for halibut for our family – which means that we can go out and bring home 20 halibut per person!  Besides the great times together, it is a wonderful gift to be able to provide for our family!  These are memories and experiences they will treasure forever!

BLESSED BY A CLOSE-KNIT COMMUNITY:  We are blessed to be a part of the community of Seldovia which is FULL of individuals and groups who work tirelessly to make this a better place!  We are so thankful for organizations such as the City of Seldovia, Seldovia Public Library, Seldovia Arts Council, Seldovia Native Association, Seldovia Chamber of Commerce, Seldovia Village Tribe, Beautification Committee, SHARE, Seldovia Museum, Susan B. English School, Seldovia Bible Chapel and Lutheran and Catholic Churches, The Seldovia House, Seldovia Native Association, Seldovia Sea Otter Community Center, Seldovia Parks and Recreation, Seldovia Booster Club, Seldovia Volunteer Fire and EMS and the many small businesses who work to provide valuable services and products for locals and visitors alike.

I could go on and on… but I’d love to hear comments from you…What or who are you grateful for?  Go on, think about it – makes you happy, doesn’t it?

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