Tag: Tustumena

Tusty’s Sunday Seldovia stop is canceled.

| November 16, 2024 | 0 Comments
Tusty cancels sailing to Seldovia on Nov 17

11/05/2024 AMHS UPDATE: 11/7/24 Seldovia Sailing is delayed to Friday 11/8/24

| November 6, 2024 | 0 Comments

Due to inclement weather, the M/V Tustumena will delay its return from Kodiak. The Tusty will come to Seldovia on Friday, instead of Thursday. Departure and Arrival times will remain the same, arriving from Homer at 1:115pm and departing at 4:30pm.

Tustumena Cancels service to Seldovia until October 8

| September 27, 2024 | 0 Comments

Kennicott Running Behind Schedule Due to Weather

| October 6, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus
AMHS BannerAd 220x90UPDATE:  Received word from the Seldovia City office (thanks to Jen Giles) that the Kennicott is now approximately 12 hours behind schedule due to high winds and hazardous seas.

Please take note of the following changes to the upcoming arrival and departure times for Seldovia.  I have posted the departure and arrival times for Homer as well for your convenience.  The scheduled sailing for Monday, October 7th  has been pushed back to TUESDAY, October 8th arriving at 1:45 AM and departing at 3:00 AM.

The hope is that the Kennicott will be back on her regular schedule by the Saturday, October 12th sailing as follows.

Please take note, and be sure to contact the city office or AMHS main office to confirm your sailing date and reservations.  Obviously, we will be hoping to see the Tusty back in Seldovia as showing on this AMHS calendar below!

October AMHS 2013

Tusty Launches in Seward

| October 1, 2013 | 0 Comments

photo taken by Carol Griswold located in the Seward City News

Screen Shot 2013-10-01 at 12.29.51 PMCheck out this photo story in the Seward City News!

The Tustumena was launched  on September 26,2013, finally out of the Seward dry dock!

Still awaiting official news from the AMHS as to the Tusty’s return to service to Seldovia!

Will be keeping you informed!

Thanks Darlene for passing this info on to me!

Working for Transportation Solutions

| September 19, 2013 | 0 Comments

In the news… 

HomerNewsAssemblyArticleOur city Manager, Tim Dillon (also chairman of the Alaska Municipal League’s Transportation committee) was quoted in this article in the Homer News, regarding the Tusty’s, once again, delayed return to service for Seldovia.

Please click here or on the image to the left, to go directly to the Homer News and read the entire article about the Assembly meeting concerning coastal community transportation – serious issues that affect our waterfront/off-the-road-system communities.

Thanks Tim for speaking on our behalf and keeping Seldovia’s needs in the forefront of the minds of the state’s decision makers!  Since being without the Tustumena since November of 2012, we have truly felt the negative impact of the lack of service to Seldovia.  Thankfully, our dock is big enough, and port – deep enough to welcome the Kennicott, or we would have been completely without service like many other communities on the route.