Tag: Seldovia

Catching up with Susan B English School by Sherry Hingley – Principal

| December 7, 2011 | 0 Comments

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2k4UwvQEghc?rel=0]

The Facts are?
Let’s look at the data.
The data for Susan B English School:

      • Our school theme this year is: Success is the only option!!
      • Our school goals are to improve all student Standard Based Assessment scores in Math, Writing, and Reading.
      • Susan B English School has a long history of making AYP (Adequate Yearly Progress) each year as mandated by the Federal No Child Left Behind Act. Our students have performed as a whole even above the district average.
      • AWA (Analytical Writing Assessment) is a district wide writing test given each year to all students in grades 5, 7 and 9. This October students were given the test and the scores have been returned. SBE students have performed higher than the district average on 80% of the tested criteria.
      • Our special needs students have seen an improvement in their individual test scores.
      • A quality of a successful school is a qualified staff. 80% of our teaching staff hold a master’s degree or higher.
      • K-5 students have learned and experienced all facets of a successful business. Check out the pictures of Pizza Club.
      • U.S. History Class has raised $8,000 dollars for the educational field trip to the historic sites around Boston.
      • Check out this YouTube video to see some of the experiences students have had during the workforce academy.

SBEPizzaClub - Cutting & Measuring the Pineapple


SBEPizzaClub Dividing up the Canadian Bacon


SBEPizzaClub Laying out the pepperoni, perfectly!








Pizza Club Thursdays Poster

Pizza Club Thursdays Poster