Tag: Seldovia

Sweeney Book Signing

| August 1, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Seldovia Public Library

Tuesday, Aug. 7 at 7:30 pm
At the Seldovia Library

Alaskan author James Sweeney will join us for a book reading and signing (copies will be available at the event for purchase). There is no charge to attend.

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Seldovia Yoga Workshop

| July 31, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Amy Gilson

UPDATE:  Aug. 3, 2012 – 8:32am 

We’ve run into a bit of a transportation situation and Margi won’t be able to get to town until 11:00 AM today.  The yoga workshop start time will be changing to 11:00 AM – hopefully this doesn’t make it unavailable for anyone.  I apologize for the short notice but we are all used to being flexible regarding Continue Reading

SOCC Board Meeting Next Tuesday

| July 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Damara Burnett

Summer VBS – Join Us!

| July 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Pastor Jonathan Hoard

A Huge Thank You

| July 27, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Damara Burnett

A huge thank you to Derek Reynolds and Catriona Lowe, Homer Cycling Club members, who traveled across Kachemak Bay last weekend to put on a free bike maintenance clinic at the Sea Otter Community Center! Continue Reading

Kayak Days In Seldovia

| July 26, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Laurel Hilts

The Seldovia Harbor, Slough and Lagoon have been filled with the bright beautiful colors of kayaks, and the sounds of splashes and laughter this week.  It’s an annual kayak safety class.  Alisha (Al) Sughroue is working her magic with Seldovia’s kids once again, sharing her love for the out-of-doors, while teaching important safety skills.  She’s brought along her friends Chunk, Brian and Ranger Joe to teach students of all ages. Continue Reading