Tag: Seldovia
Spring has Sprung at Thyme on the Boardwalk
by Suzie Stranik
Thyme on the Boardwalk Nursery is now open with sporadic hours for all your growing and gardening needs. If you don’t catch me in the greenhouse, just ring the home doorbell, or give me a call on my mobile (907) 440-2213 to set up a time.
My seed rack is stocked, come in early for the best selection.
Free Emergency Trauma Technician Course
by Jan Yaeger
How are your first aid skills? Do you know how to splint an elbow? What’s the best way to stop serious bleeding? Someone you know isn’t acting normally. Are they just in a strange mood or do they actually have a medical condition that needs treatment? If you’re out on the water or in the woods and there’s a serious medical emergency, do you know what to do?
Alaskans pride ourselves on being able to take care of ourselves in challenging situations. Those of us who live off the road system have taken this a step further, deciding that the rewards of living in a lovely, small community away from crowds and traffic are worth a bit of inconvenience. But when emergency situations arise, we also face a higher degree of risk, because we live in a place where transportation out to advanced medical Continue Reading
Thoughts to Ponder – The Innovation of Loneliness
by Jenny Chissus
We live in the technology age, and with all the gadgets helping us to “connect” with each other – are we really more connected, or truly more alone? I believe that the effort we must make to have authentic relationships is getting more challenging, as we are so busy with all of our Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Instagram and Pinterest accounts.
Something I love about living in Seldovia, is that we are typically more connected one-on-one, as we see each other at the post office, restaurants, school, on the Otterbahn or waiting at the airport or harbor. Because we live in a small community, and we know everyone, we are not as buried in our phones in public places as you would see on a subway or bus in the big cities. However, I do believe we must be vigilant in seeing the true value of one-on-one contact compared to virtual friendships. Enjoy this thought provoking video – don’t be lonely – Connect!
The Innovation of Loneliness from Shimi Cohen on Vimeo.