Tag: Seldovia Alaska

Catching up with Our Police Chief

| October 24, 2012 | 1 Comment

by Jenny Chissus

Shad wanted to an opportunity to thank the city and community for all their support!

It is coming up on a year since Shad Haller accepted the position as Police Chief of Seldovia and he truly wanted to express his appreciation for a great first year!  This has been a rewarding year of learning and it has been a huge Continue Reading

Right Now – Basketball at SBE!!

| October 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Jen is Back! Sort of…

| October 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Ian McGaughey

Former Seldovia resident Jen Dickson, a Certified Nutritional Therapist, is giving a class on making hearty, healthy, homemade soups that you can watch live right here in Seldovia!
Jen will be giving the class as part of the “Thriving Thursdays” wellness series at SVT Health & Wellness in Homer, and there will be a live simulcast available at the upstairs board room of the Visitors Center building. Warm up your winter with this fun, informative class!

Susan B. English has a New Math and Science Guy

| October 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

He used to go by “coach” in his last teaching job, and he said that it may morph back into that as the year goes by, but for now, our new teacher goes by the official title “Mr. Derks”.

Justin Derks is our newest teacher at Susan B. English school, Continue Reading

KPB Community Revenue Sharing Funds Public Meeting

| October 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Alix Chartier

To All Seldovia Well Owners

| October 22, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

After the recent flooding in so many areas on the Kenai Peninsula, the quality of the water in private wells is of major concern to the borough.  The KPB is offering an opportunity to assist the property owners across the bay. (that’s us!) They will be sending over the test bottles so that we may take our well samples, have the samples returned to Homer, and transported to Soldotna within the tight time frame required for accurate testing.

Besides having the transportation handled for you, this is also a great opportunity to manage this timely test at a reduced cost!  The homeowner will be responsible for the reduced price of $39 for the water test fee, and thanks to the City of Seldovia for taking care of the shipping costs!!

The Kenai Peninsula Borough is arranging to have water tests kits delivered to the Seldovia City Office on Tuesday, October 23rd – where interested home owners may pick them up sometime Tuesday afternoon after 3pm.  If you are interested in getting a sampling bottle – please stop by the City Office early, as there is a limited amount.

The key to an accurate test, will be that the test sample makes it to the Soldotna testing facility within 24 hours from the time the sample is taken from the well.  It is essential that you pick up the bottle and take the sample from your well as close to the pick up time as possible.  The later the test the better (i.e. Wednesday morning), but you may conceivably test as early as 3 p.m. Tuesday.  It’s a 24 hour time frame and the borough plans to have the tests to the lab by 3 p.m. Wednesday.

The bottles will need to be returned to the City Office for delivery by 11:00am Wednesday morning, as they will be flown back to Homer before noon on Wednesday.  The Borough has arranged to pick all the samples up at the Homer Airport and deliver them to the lab in Soldotna.

IMPORTANT NOTE:  Wells must be purified prior to testing. Click here to download the information required to test your wells.

You can click on the image to the left to view the process, and on the link below to read the full report.


For more information, please contact:

Bonnie Hanson
Administrative Assistant
Kenai Peninsula Borough
Office of Emergency Management
253 Wilson Lane
Soldotna, AK  99669
907-262-4910 Office
907-262-2095 Direct
907-714-2395 Fax