Tag: Kenai Peninsula

Burn Ban Lifted on the Kenai Peninsula

| June 1, 2014 | 0 Comments

The KPB Office of Emergency Management call center is closed. Beginning Monday 06/02/14, residents may call the general OEM line at (907)262-4910. The OEM staff are available to answer calls during normal business hours 8:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday through Friday. The information hotline will be put back in service as conditions warrant.

by Inciweb – March 31, 2014 around 7:00pm


Open campfires are now allowed only in developed campsites in the Kenai National Wildlife Refuge, Kenai Peninsula State Parks, and Chugach National Forest lands on the Kenai Peninsula. Campfires must be in a metal fire grate provided by a state or federal agency in a developed campsite. Use of personal charcoal grills, cooking stoves, and gas grills are also allowed.

On other state and private lands on the Kenai Peninsula, cooking and warming fires are allowed in an established campfire ring. Burn permits are still suspended until further notice.

While current weather has moderated fire behavior on the Funny River fire, fire danger remains high over much of the Kenai Peninsula. Residents and visitors are urged to continue to use extreme caution with anything that could ignite a fire.

Questions regarding this emergency restriction should be directed to:

Kenai National Wildlife Refuge (907) 262-7021

Chugach National Forest (907) 743-9500

Kenai Area State Parks (907) 262-5581

Kenai Area State Forestry (907) 262-4200

Burn Ban Remains in Effect for The Kenai Peninsula

| May 31, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Brenda Ahlberg
USFWS-DNR-USFS News Release 5-30-14-burning

High Winds Causing Multiple Power Outages along the Peninsula

| May 31, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Joe Gallagher

HEA Press Release Banner

Sunday, June 1, 10:00 am – HEA crews completed restoration work related to Saturday’s wind storm at approximately 5:30 am Sunday.  HEA would like to thank its members for their patience during the storm-related outages.  If you do not have power at this time please call the outage hotline at 1-888-8OUTAGE. 

Saturday, May 31, Noon – HEA crews are responding to a large number of power outages today.  The outages are the result of strong winds that are continuing to hit the Kenai Peninsula this afternoon.   As of noon there are approximately 4,000 HEA members without power.  Outage areas include:

  • Large section of the City of Soldotna
  • Forest Drive/St. Theresa (between Soldotna and Sterling)
  • Skyline Drive (Soldotna)
  • Strawberry Road (Soldotna)
  • Aliak/Magic Ave. (Kenai)
  • Halibut Cove
  • Nikiski area (Holt Lamplight, Swanson River Oil Field)
  • Riverview Ave./Kobuk area (Soldotna)
  • Tote Road area (near Kasilof)

In addition to these outages, there are several smaller scattered outages across the Peninsula.  HEA crews are working to restore power as soon as possible, but due to the number of outages and the strong winds, the duration of the outages is likely to be extended.

If you do not have power, please call the outage hotline at 1-888-8OUTAGE.

2014 2nd Annual Alaska Fiber & Arts Festival

| April 21, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Debra Henderson

Kenai Peninsula FairThe Kenai Peninsula Fair will be hosting the 2nd Annual Alaska Fiber & Arts Festival, April 26th-27th, 10am-5pm at the fairgrounds in Ninilchik, Alaska. This festival was started to bring awareness to a dying art, natural fibers of our state and education of that art.

There will be informative booths, hands on experiences and demonstrations as well as crafts persons booths. Booth space is still available if anyone is interested.  Classes are being made available this year and the class schedule is on the website: www.kenaipeninsulafair.com along with the registration form.

Any questions please feel free to contact me.
Debra Henderson, Event Coordinator
Kenai Peninsula Fair
P O Box 39210
16200 Sterling Highway
Ninilchik, Alaska 99639
(907) 567-3670

KPBSD Ski Teams in Bus Accident

| January 10, 2014 | 0 Comments

Press Release by Pegge Erkeneff 

Soldotna, January 10, 2014—While traveling to the Valdez Invitational, Kenai Central High School and Skyview High School cross-country ski teams were in a bus accident at 11:44 a.m., at mile 55 on the Richardson Highway. Valdez City Schools sent buses to transport students to the elementary school, where a medical triage team assembled to assess every student. Several students were subsequently transported to Providence Valdez Medical Center for further evaluation.

At the accident site cell coverage was minimal, weather conditions were poor. Forty-nine people were on board the bus from KPBSD, in addition to the bus driver. Skyview High School team: 15 students and three adults; from Kenai Central High School: 28 students and three adults. Students and KPBSD staff began arriving in Valdez at approximately 4:00 p.m.

At the time of this media release, students at the hospital were being treated and released, and we are awaiting a full update. All parents and guardians have been contacted.

Due to the circumstances, the two KPBSD teams will not compete in the Valdez Invitational on Saturday; Unique Charters is sending a replacement bus for the teams which plans to leave Valdez and drive back to the central peninsula midday.

“I thank all of the staff from Valdez City Schools, the Valdez Emergency Services, Valdez Police, personnel at the Valdez Hospital, and the Alaska State Troopers for their immediate and professional response to today’s accident,” said Dr. Steve Atwater, superintendent.  “The location of the accident made the response difficult, we are thankful that these agencies are so well trained. In addition, thank you to local families who volunteered to bring food to students, and open their homes to parents.”

This and all KPBSD media releases are online at this web page: https://bit.ly/MediaPublicRelationships
New: Suggest or contribute a story online link: https://bit.ly/SuggestKPBSDstory
Please contact me with questions or connections to be made for your KPBSD district and school stories.

Warm Regards,

Pegge Erkeneff | Communications Specialist
Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
148 N. Binkley Street, Soldotna, AK 99669
907.714.8888 | fax: 907.262.5867
KPBSD Communications
Facebook: Kenai Peninsula Borough School District
twitter: @KPBSD

One district—44 diverse schools: www.KPBSD.org

2 Seldovians Recognized in the Alaska Journal of Commerce, Summer Resident Keefer Brown and Seldovia’s City Manager Tim Dillon

| September 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

Alaska Communications and Boys & Girls–Clubs Alaska recognized six youth heroes as part of the 2012 Summer of Heroes program. Alaska Communications presented each hero with a $1,500 scholarship during Continue Reading