Tag: inspirational

Thoughts to Ponder…Stress

| February 12, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

Screen Shot 2014-02-12 at 9.01.44 AMIf you haven’t been introduced to TED videos, this is the day you were born for!

Totally inspiring, totally thought provoking and totally a transformational opportunity – if you will allow yourself to be challenged by new ideas and technology.  I have been a fan of TED videos for quite some time, as you get a glimpse into the minds and hearts of people from all walks of life who are making a difference in their industries, communities and lives of others.  Why are we here, if not to make a difference?  Like I said: Transformational!

Information about this particular video:

It is exciting when your son comes home from school, and has been challenged by something!  This week, Devin was eager to share this video that Ruth Sensenig had shared in class.  It was interesting to me, that he thought it important enough to get it lined up on our Smart TV to watch in the comfort of the living room, instead of on a small laptop.  Whether he saw the value for himself, or felt we needed to hear it – we have all benefited from watching this eye-opening video.

Stress, it comes in all forms.  Some good, some not so pleasant, but overall, much stress comes from a feeling of lack of control.   As adults, we are all accustomed to agonizing over the “stress” in our lives;  our jobs, our vehicle that is making a funny noise, health issues, ice in our driveway, a cancelled ferry, relationships that sometimes aren’t easy, worried about our children, finances or agonizing about how to help our aging parents.  But our kids also “enjoy” a certain amount of stress – school performance, sports, homework, relationships with peers, chores, new romances, jobs and “helicopter” moms!

This video will open your eyes to the value of stress, the chemical and physical reactions to stress that we DO have the ability to control.  Understanding the science behind the stress will help you become empowered, courageous and alert to tackle the complicated things in life!   Learn a secret about the value of relationships and connections that chemically work in our favor – if we acknowledge them.    I hope you enjoy!   Thanks Ruth for sharing this with our kids!

Thoughts to Ponder

| November 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

The Butterfly Circus – an inspiring short movie!  During this time of Thanksgiving, the real person, Nick Vujicic is a fabulous testimony to living large, knowing that each of us was created for a purpose, in spite of our shortcomings.  To visit Nick’s site, visit here.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_MCwlY6zzg?rel=0]