Tag: donations
Getting into the “Christmas Spirit of Giving”
by Laurel Hilts
Hey, folks! It’s time to gear up for Santa’s Shop once again. Each year, Santa’s elves gather donations from the community of great items for our children to purchase for those they love. Then, more elves busily wrap the gifts for the kids to give at Christmastime.
This year’s Shop will be on Friday, December 14th. If you have any items you would like to donate, please call Laurel Hilts at 435-3252 or send an email to her at lhilts@svt.org.
Thank You, We're Dazzled!
by Savannah Lewis – Library Director
A thank-you note to the library’s anonymous benefactor(s)
We are speechless with surprise and gratitude to have been the recipient over the past month of 83 new books. They were purchased from our Amazon wishlist and so represent books we were especially anxious to obtain for our collection.
Dear donor(s), even though you remain anonymous, please know that the board and library volunteers join me in thanking you for your generosity on behalf of our patrons who will receive so much pleasure from these books. We operate on a very small annual budget, and gifts such as these greatly expand our ability to offer new and enticing titles.
So, thank you. We’re dazzled.