Tag: DNR

Burn Ban Remains in Effect for The Kenai Peninsula

| May 31, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Brenda Ahlberg
USFWS-DNR-USFS News Release 5-30-14-burning

Kachemak Bay State Park & Wilderness Park Public Scoping Open House

| April 17, 2014 | 0 Comments

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For more information – click here!

Public Invited to Attend April 29 Scoping Open House in Seldovia

| April 3, 2014 | 1 Comment

Press Release by Alaska DNR

DNR Banner(Anchorage, AK) – The Alaska Department of Natural Resources will host an open house on Tuesday, April 29, to gather public input on its planning process for revising the Kachemak Bay State Park and State Wilderness Park Management Plan. The meeting will be from 5-7 p.m. at the Multi Purpose Complex located at 259 Seldovia Street in Seldovia.

The purpose of the plan revision is to address issues the park is facing due to changing patterns in recreational use and increased visitation, as well as updating recommendations for park management and facility development. Additionally, a trail plan will be developed to provide specific guidance for trail management and development in these areas. An initial open house was held in Homer in November 2013 and additional scoping events will be scheduled in Homer, Port Graham, and Nanwalek.
Planning staff will be available at the Seldovia meeting to discuss issues, gather information, and learn more about current or future goals and uses related to the management plan revision. The open house is an opportunity for the planning team to include local input in the early stages of plan development.

To view the existing park plan and learn more about this process, visit: https://dnr.alaska.gov/parks/plans/kbay/kbayplan.htm

Written comments are encouraged throughout the planning process. The deadline for submitting initial scoping comments is May 15, 2014. They can be sent via mail, email or fax to: Kachemak Bay State Park Planning, 550 West 7th Ave., Suite 1050, Anchorage, AK 99501, Fax: 907-269-8915, Email: shawana.guzenski@alaska.gov.