Tag: Cook Inlet

Subsistence Consumption Numbers are Much Higher than Estimated

| December 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Michael Opheim

Click on letter below to view full size.
SVT Cook Inlet Subsistence

Click here for MORE INFORMATION, and select Environmental Protection.

Higman Family Arrives at Outside Beach

| April 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus, photo taken from Hig and Erin’s website:  www.groundtruthtrekking.org


I received word yesterday from Dede (Hig’s mom) that Hig, Erin, Katmai and Lituya were expected to arrive last evening to Outside Beach.  They were planning to spend the night and are hoping folks will stop by for a visit and hang around the campfire tonight (Wednesday) for a potluck dinner!  Their plan is to leave Outside Beach Thursday morning and would love to have anyone join them for a bit of the walk!  Come to the beach this evening with your favorite “beach food” and get first-hand details on their departure time, an update on how the first few days of their trip have been (we have had awesome weather!) and encourage our extreme adventurers for their next leg around Cook Inlet!

Seldovia’s Extreme Explorers

| March 25, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus, photos by Hig and Erin

Erin and LituyaI had the great fortune to enjoy a random visit with Erin the other day while awaiting the 4-H guy to show up at the SOCC.  Erin and Hig’s interest in “extreme exploration” intrigues me!  Not just the fact that they are out there, on their own, in the elements – and seriously – many times FAR from any kind of assistance or comforts that we take for granted – but I seem to settle in on the fear of the lack of warmth – and I get stuck there.

I’ve only been in Alaska for 18 years, and I was imported from Hawaii – so my tolerance of the cold is, well, big time wimpy!  Happy KatmaiThe beauty is, that if you have the right equipment and clothing, being out in the elements can be amazingly wonderful, beautiful, quiet and inspiring.  But the next challenge – besides staying warm, when I consider their grand adventures – is the ability to keep the kids happy, warm (I know – there it is again), and managing the demanding eating/sleeping schedules of young children!

Lituya on beachLike I said, Erin and Hig are inspirational – as these things I mentioned above – well, the management of them all just comes naturally to them.  As I ride out the road to show property, or visit a friend, or pick up someone at Jakolof Dock, I often see Erin or Hig on their bikes with Katmai and Lituya in their trailers making the trek to and from town – winter or summer, rain or sun!  The children have grown up with this wanderlust and appreciation for the outdoors – and I can’t think of a greater gift a parent can give to their child is a love for the outdoors,travel and adventure – and to enjoy time together as a family.  This, it appears, is all under control.   They are making (and recording) memories that will last a lifetime.

ALongTrekHomeRecently, Hig and Erin’s 4,000 mile trek from Seattle to the Aleutians was shared with the world:  Journey on the Wild Coast was shown on PBS which is a compilation of the footage taken during their trip!  The book A Long Walk Home is the written version of their experience and is also available on their site.

SmallFeetBigLandAlso – keep an eye out for Erin’s newest book – coming out in October 2013, Small Feet, Big Land, about life in Alaska, their adventures as a family living in Seldovia and their treks around the state with Katmai and Lituya!

Regarding this upcoming tripTracing the Heart of Alaska – A Journey Around Cook Inlet, their plans are to leave Wednesday, March 27, 2013 – on the Laura S. out of Seldovia to be dropped off in Dogfish Bay to begin the hike.  

There are so many trips this young couple, and now, family have taken – that you should certainly check out their website to read more – see beautiful photos and be able to vicariously enjoy this great adventure coming up touring Cook Inlet.   There are opportunities to catch up with them, connect via email, phone, Facebook, etc. and even offer support financially or with housing when they walk through your community.

“We’d love to hear your ideas in the comments, and for anyone who lives on Cook Inlet – in person as well. We’re also hoping to have people join us when we’re on beaches near towns for a walking conversation, or just to say hi (a 4-year-old’s pace is quite relaxed so we’ll be easy to catch/keep up with).” Hig

Hig and KatmaiYou can click on the map below to go directly to Hig and Erin’s site:  GroundTruthTrekking.org to catch up on all the details, see more photos of their exciting adventures, both past and present!  Their website is so full of information regarding their trips, their philosophy, and many photos of the most amazing places – most of us will never go!

Hig and Erins Cook Inlet Trip Map

When I asked Hig to share something important about this trip, he replied, “One aspect of our trip is that we want to meet lots of people along the way.  We love to have people join us while we walk, as well as other ways of connecting (we love to couchsurf!).  So we’d like to share our contact info… ideally our phone, email, and also Valisa’s phone and email for when we’re not reachable, since she’ll be our outreach contact then.  Here’s the info:”
Hig & Erin

ATTENTION SELDOVIANS:  Hig, Erin, Katmai and Lituya plan to camp the night at Outside Beach (most likely on the 2nd now since the weather may be pushing them back a day) and would love for you to stop by to say hello and visit by the fire that evening – or come by to send them on their way towards Barabara Point in the morning!  Stay tuned for further information as to the exact date of their arrival in Seldovia!

Check out their rough schedule below for an expected itinerary.  Obviously this schedule is subject to all kinds of changes, as weather and children are not always (seldom) predictable!  As of the posting of this article – weather will most likely set this whole schedule back 1-2 days.  Click here to go to their website for updated schedule!

Katmai on beachStart: 3/27
Nanwalek: 3/29
Port Graham: 3/30
Seldovia: 4/2
Vosnesenska: 4/9
Ninilchik: 4/19
Kasilof: 4/24
Kenai: 4/28
Nikiski: 5/1
Hope: 5/10
Girdwood: 5/15
Anchorage: 5/22
Tyonek: 6/4
Tuxedni Bay: 6/20
Chinitna Bay: 6/29
Williamsport: 7/6
McNeil Bay: 7/15
Sukoi Bay: 7/24

And you know what I personally find super fantastic?  Through their books, movies, Facebook and blogging, we can enjoy this exploration too, without the cold – from the comfort of our living  rooms!  Thanks Erin and Hig for sharing this amazing experience with all of us!  We wish you safe, happy and warm travels!

History of Oil and Gas in Lower Cook Inlet Movie and Discussion

| February 3, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Damara Burnett
S_130202 Oil and Gas Drilling

Seldovia Sea Otters Highlights!

| February 23, 2012 | 2 Comments

video by Jenny Chissus
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hbxv8rJWeYo?rel=0]

Thanks to everyone who came to watch the tournament and cheer on our Sea Otters!   A special thanks out to Mark Janes – who has been a terrific coach, preparing this young team for a great year of High School Basketball!

Outstanding job to our Seldovia Sea Otter 2012 team:  Aidan, Calem, Chance, Dustin, Dylan, Michael, Nathan, Nikolai, Robert, Sarah, Seth and Tim!

If you are traveling across the bay, the Region II Basketball Tournament starts this coming Wednesday, the 29th of February!  Schedule has changed so please take note!   Team seeding should be available to us on Tuesday, and we’ll update this site as information becomes available.

Tournament will be held in SOLDOTNA @ Cook Inlet Academy. Championship and playoff games will be held at KCHS.

12:30pm — Coaches Meeting
2:00 pm — Boys Game 1
3:45 pm — Boys Game 2
5:15 pm — Girls Game 1
7:00 pm — Boys Game 3

12:30 pm — Skills Contest
2:00 pm — Boys Game 4
3:45 pm — Boys Game 5
5:15 pm — Girls Game 2
7:00 pm — Boys Game 6

10:00 am — Boys Game 7
11:45 am — Girls Game 3
1:30 pm — Boys Game 8
6:00 pm — Girls Championship Game 4
7:45 pm — Boys Championship Game 9

8:00 am — Coaches Scheduling Meeting
10:00 am — Boys Game 10
11:45 am — Girls 2nd Place Game 5
1:30 pm — Boys 2nd Place Game 11

News from The Kenai River Center

| January 5, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

There has been a lot of talk about the status of the KPB Ordinance regarding Habitat Protection District – and how that will relate to Seldovia and our waterways – in particular the Seldovia Slough.

It was important to make sure that we had accurate information, and the true facts about the situation so I have been in contact with the Kenai River Center on numerous occasions to receive the official outcome/affect that this ordinance may have on our waterways.  I just received this update, and wanted to share it with the community right away. Continue Reading