Susan B English Final & Busy Week 2012

| May 17, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Sandy Geagel

Work Force Academy is coming to an end this Friday.  The Sea Otter Community Center has “keyhole gardens”  being constructed through the garden class.  If you’re not sure what that is, come up and check out what the students are doing.  Shop classes have involved teaching students the techniques in welding, constructing a building for the Booster Club to put the “Sea Otter Rocks” on wheels to take the sweatshirts, t-shirts, water bottles, etc. to the public.  Keep an eye out for it this summer!   Read more below on the 3-D Art Show coming up.  The Gaming class will challenge students willing to try the games they created this week to find out how they did.  Community is welcomed to play the games during the 3-D Art Show and share their views with the student that created the game.

May 17th – Jr. High Volleyball  Thursday @ 3:15 in the School Commons

May 17th – The 3-D Art Class presents their Student Art Show – Thursday, in the school commons from 3:15-4:00.

May 19th – VOLUNTEERS NEEDED on SATURDAY,  in the school KITCHEN @ 3:00 to make PIZZAS, etc. for the AUCTION. 

Students (6-12th grade) are expected to stay after school on Friday to help set up for the Auction/Dinner.   Students are also expected to stay and clean up after the Auction/Dinner on Saturday.  Students need to see Mrs. Hingley to sign up on the “WORK” schedule during the Auction/Dinner.  This is one of the main events to fund the Academics and Sport travel budget for 2012-13 school year.

MAY 19TH – Booster Club Dinner & AUCTION
Mark Janes  “Auctioneer”    $100 Pot!! Must be present to win!!

Auction Donations are still being accepted, you may drop them off at the school. The Booster Club has decided to do future Auctions in October, this will begin in the 2012-2013 School year.

All you Can EAT Pizza Buffet & Dessert Bar Includes salad and bread sticks. $10.00 Adults $5.00 K-12th 4 Years & Under Free

May 21 – MONDAY is the last day of the school year SWIMMING program funded by the Seldovia Fire & EMS….3:15-4:30 Chunk will be in the pool with kayaks!

May 23 – The LAST day of SCHOOL is closing in….Wednesday, May 23rdwill be the last day of school for 2011-2012.  Lots going on during the day…..families are invited to the LAST DAY OF SCHOOL PICNIC….more information to follow.  Students need to be reminded to clean out their gym locker…TAKE home cloths, tennis shoes, etc.  If their school locker is overflowing…now is the time to begin taking “stuff” home.  Return Library books or other school “stuff borrowed”.  Snack Cart and/or SCHOOL LUNCH accounts need to pay the IOU’sBEFORE THE LAST DAY of school.

May 23, 2012- GRADUATION!   Wednesday @ 6:00 in the School Commons

Senior Graduates 2012:  Amanda Gain and Connections Students:  Cameren Blodgett, Sarah O’Leary

8th Grade Graduates:  Thor Burt, Timothy Haller, Tyler Hecks, Aidan Philpot, Rosalia Purpura, Dylan Waterbury, Robert Waterbury, Darrel Wheeler and Connections Students:  Kyla Apeles, Marina Chissus, Calem Collier

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