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Happy Winter Solstice!

| December 21, 2011 | 0 Comments


Join us for this Fantastic Seldovia Tradition!

| December 20, 2011 | 1 Comment

submitted by Jenny Chissus

Thank you to the many folks who sponsor our annual New Year’s Eve Fireworks Show! Every year it is a time when the whole community gathers to bring in the new year together, as friends and family.

The Swicks are leaving this week to purchase the fireworks up in Anchorage and are hopeful to have the continued support of the community to make it happen! Last year, they spent over $3,500 on a spectacular 20+ minute fireworks show for the community. Last time I heard from Roberta, they had only raised $400.

Please support this great Seldovia tradition, and give a call to Roberta and Alvin Swick 234-7473 or Doug and Kathy Giles at 234-7424.  It is not too late!  Thank You!

We’ll see you at the Fireworks Show on December 31st – midnight!

Fireworks Funds Needed For the Grand New Year's Eve Celebration!

Snow is on the Way!

| December 20, 2011 | 0 Comments
Seldovia's Plowing Service

Seldovia's Plowing Service

Are you interested in a regular, professional snow plowing service?  

Paul “Sonny” Chissus is providing plowing service this winter.   Winter Watch will be making rounds every 4-8 inches of snow to maintain your residential or commercial access in a timely and effective manner.

Please call Paul at 399-0055 to get on the list and discuss your personal plowing needs.  Be prepared – and give a call so that you are on the list, before the snow arrives, and you are stuck in your driveway, behind a burm!

Please note:  To protect the equipment, this plow is only designed for regular service plowing and will not respond to driveways where too much heavy, wet snow has built up.  In those cases, heavier equipment will be necessary.

Editor's Favorites: "Miniatur Wunderland"

| December 16, 2011 | 0 Comments


This is amazing! Thanks Mike for sharing this with me!

Growing up, we used to have a train village that my father and older brother Peter built, with mountains out of paper mache and chicken wire, tiny people, houses, stores, train depots, streets with lanterns that lit up at night! (in the day too – it was so much fun) However, it was nothing like this – this has to go on the 100 Things to Do/See Before I Die list!

Holiday Pool Hours

| December 15, 2011 | 0 Comments

submitted by Vivian Rojas

Seldovia Pool Public Swim Schedule

Seldovia Pool Public Swim Schedule

Donations Appreciated for Fireworks Show on December 31st!

| December 15, 2011 | 0 Comments
Seldovia Fireworks to Ring in 2012

Seldovia Fireworks to Ring in 2012