Seldovia Fire Destroys Local Home

| February 13, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus, photos by Chaz Nichols

IMG_4367On February 12, 2013, a fire broke out in a home on Jakolof Bay Road, destroying the whole structure and everything inside, a complete loss.  Roger Wallin Jr., known in Seldovia as Audie, lost everything.  Fortunately, there were no people or animals in the home at the time of the fire.

WallinFire3As reported by Chaz Nichols, Seldovia’s Volunteer Fire Department Admin/Safety Officer, even though this property is located over 5 miles outside of Seldovia, our department was on the scene within 15 minutes of the call!  Fortunately for all the homes in the area, dispatch had received numerous calls from neighbors to report the flames and smoke which alerted our department as soon as possible.  Thank you to those who called in!

The home was engulfed in flames upon arrival, and all that could be done at that point was to contain the fire to the structure.  The cause is still unknown, as Audie wasn’t home at the time the fire broke out.   Mr. Wallin arrived on scene about 30 minutes after the fire crew arrived – to find his home, and all its contents destroyed.

Wallin Fire2The fire department is asking for help for Audie, as he has lost everything, and all he has is his van, and the clothes on his back (no coat).  Audie is living in his van until he figures things out.  He has a generator and microwave, but if you have food you can donate – please drop off at the fire hall.

Audie desperately needs some clothing, so if you have size 38×34 jeans (all he had was sweats on), XL t-shirts or sweat shirts, and an XXL coat he would be so appreciative!  Please drop off all donations at the fire hall Monday – Friday from 9:30am-1:30pm – or call Chaz directly at 399-6164 to see how else you can help.

Thank you Seldovia Volunteer Fire Department and the Barabara Heights Subdivision Fire Crew, who worked together to contain the fire.  Thanks to the courageous volunteers: Shad and Chance Haller, Chaz Nichols, Monty Hingley, Radzy, Cody and Ashley Richie, and from the Barabara Heights Fire Crew: Rick Harkness, Brian Slover, John and Sera Allardice, Jack Allardice and Sadi Synn.

As we hope that our fire departments won’t have to see a fire, we are so thankful for those who volunteer to fight the flames when an unfortunate situation arises.  Please consider joining our fire departments – as we are always looking for (and in need of) additional volunteers!  Call Chaz directly, 399-6164 if you are interested in serving on our Seldovia City crew, and if you live out the road, and want to volunteer with the Barabara Heights department, you may contact Alix Chartier at 234-7898.

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