Seldovia Beach Cabin Almost Washed Away!

| September 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

Seldovia property owners, Scott and Janet Ogan, who live on the west side of Seldovia Bay awoke to what sounded like a 747 landing on the hill behind their cabin!   Due to the heavy rains, a major landslide came down the hills behind their home with rock, dirt and trees in tow.  Scott and his wife jumped out of bed and ran to safety away from the flow, as the total destruction of their cabin seemed imminent.

They are so appreciative of Russ and Jordan Geagel, and John, who came over to help in their time of need, moving rock and removing fallen trees.   In addition to the landslide, over the night, a good portion of the beach eroded away.  He exclaimed to me over the phone “Do you see the brown water in the bay?  That is our real estate floating away!”  Their next step is removing  landslide debris and working to preserve what is left of their beach.

Scott is so thankful that they were on site for this storm, as they truly believe they would have lost the cabin altogether had they not been able to divert the water and redirect and move the debris away from the cabin, along with the incredible help of a few friendly and generous Seldovians!

Scott called me today as he is need of a small backhoe, bobcat (something less than 10,000 pounds) or piece of equipment that can move rocks and trees on the beach.  They have secured a barge, but desperately need some help with equipment – it is too big of a job to perform by hand.  The situation needs to be managed as soon as possible, as they certainly can’t go into winter weather in this compromised situation!  If you have equipment and can offer some assistance Please give Scott a call or text him at: 907-982-2469 or 907-355-4667

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