Seeding Day Cancelled

| September 22, 2012 | 2 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

I just got off the phone with Kari Hendrich who called to  CANCEL the work day at the RV park ball field due to all the rain!  Unfortunately, there is still some raking to be done to level the field in a few places and it would be very difficult to achieve due to the fact that the ground is soaked!  It would be a mud fest and if the weather continues, the seeds will rot in so much water – as there is standing water in places on the field.

We really appreciate everyone’s willingness to help, and we don’t want to waste anyone’s time doing a task that won’t produce the great results we know are possible.  Should the weather clear this week, and the field dry out a bit – we may reschedule the work day.  However, if this continues much longer, the weather will be too cold to seed now, and we will wait for spring.

Keep posted, and we’ll let you know if we reschedule!  Thanks so much for all your support, and willingness to help create a great recreational area!

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Category: Entertainment

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  1. SeldoviaGal says:

    Jeannie – I am going to send your information to a local gal to see if she knows more – and perhaps someone will respond to this post and be able to help! I’m sorry, but my records don’t go that far back at all! Jenny

  2. Jeannie Rogers says:

    I would like to research some of the early newspapers from 1964 archives. We lived at seldovia when the quake hit. My family lost their home due to fire . We lived outside of the village. My Dad was a fisherman (crab) I remember him talking about the old Swed’ and I remember the old boardwalk that fronted the harbour and town. Cannot seem to get any info from your archives gallery. Any suggestions? Jeannie Rogers. My Father was Luther Rogers. We were ther again during the 64 quake.

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