Our Seldovia Library Needs Your Help!

| August 3, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Tracie Merrill

With the end of summer approaching, we are really in need of volunteers these days.

Under our grant terms, we must keep the library open a certain number of hours a week.  Our current schedule does that; if we slash our hours, not so much. So, we don’t have a lot of wiggle room.

And there’s the whole thing about being open enough that we cover the times when you want to use the library. We need our schedule to be handy for folks who are out and about during the day, kids who need to be able to use the library when they’re not in school, and working folks who can only run errands at night or on the weekend.

Can you help us out? We need folks who can give us just a couple hours in an afternoon, once a week. Or even every other week. You’ll get all of the (very simple) training you’ll need. It’s not hard and it’s not terribly time-consuming but it’s all-important in keeping our library operating. We really need your support.

If interested, please contact Tracie Merrill either by stopping in, emailing traciemerrill@hotmail.com, or calling 907-750-2918 and letting us know that you can share a little of your time with the rest of Seldovia’s library community. It will mean so much to all of us. Thank you.

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