Nomination period is open for seats on Homer Electric Association’s Board of Directors

| January 23, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Joe Gallagher

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Homer Electric Association (HEA) is accepting nominations from members interested in running for a seat on the cooperative’s Board of Directors.

The cooperative’s Board is made up of nine directors, three from each of the three districts that make up the service area.

This year, the District 1 (Kenai-Nikiski-parts of Soldotna) seat held by Kenai resident Kelly Bookey will be on the ballot. In District 2 (Soldotna-Sterling-Kasilof area) the seat currently held by Sterling resident Dick Waisanen will be up for election. In District 3 (Kasilof-Homer-Seldovia area), HEA members will vote for the seat currently held by Don Seelinger of Seldovia.

HEA directors are elected by district, with members voting only for the director in their respective district.

Members interested in being on the ballot must fill out a Candidacy Packet that requires the candidate to gather at least 15 signatures from current HEA members that live in the district where the candidate resides. The Candidacy Packet is available at HEA offices in Kenai and Homer and online at

The deadline to submit the Candidacy Packet is 5 PM on February 28, 2014.  Completed packets can be dropped off at either the Kenai or Homer HEA office.

Ballots will be mailed out to HEA members on March 28, 2014, and the results will be tabulated and announced at the Annual Meeting on May 1, 2014, at the Soldotna High School. .

For additional information contact Joe Gallagher at (907) 283-2324

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