Inaugural Sail for Seldovia’s Young Sailor and Boat Builder

| June 15, 2015 | 1 Comment

by Jenny Chissus

Richard and The Lynx

Richard and Lynx, waiting for the wind!

There are some things in life you might regret – like not following your dreams and having the courage to pursue a different path than your peers.  This is not the case for young Richard – who at 13 years old – took action!  All he wanted to do was – sail, and build his own sailboat.

When most 13 year olds are begging for a new PS4 game, paintball guns or money for Christmas, in 2013 all Richard wanted was marine plywood and plans to build a boat!  Richard had found the plans for the perfect small boat online, on Phil Bolger’s website!  His parents, Jen Gordon and Bruce Rein were more than supportive of his dreams and gave him the 10 sheets of marine plywood and boat plans he needed to get started on his project for his Christmas present!

Construction began in January 2014 in the neighbor’s garage!  With his dad’s help – over the next year and a half, on weekends and after school, his dream came together!

Richard on his way

Leaving the dock under sail for the very first time!

“When I was sailing on our family boat I always thought it would be really cool to have my own boat, a little boat here that would actually be mine!  We have a 14 foot Capri, but it is not ours, it’s my dad’s boss’ boat, but he lets us use it!”  When I asked Richard what his favorite part about the process was, he smiled and replied, “Probably launching just a little bit ago!”

When asked what was the most challenging part of the project, he thought for a minute and said, “Making the mast was probably the hardest part.  There’s two 2x4s, and we had to route out the inside of the boards to make them hollow, then we glued them together, and we had to turn a square post into a circle, it was just a lot of work!”

Richard Out in the Bay

Out in Seldovia Bay

The boat’s name is “Lynx” – though she doesn’t have it painted on the boat quite yet.  The name came from the design, which is called the Bobcat – and Richard thought that since the Lynx is an Alaska cat – that name fit perfectly!

It was a cloudy but totally calm day in the harbor, and I was enjoying a visit with Richard at the dock, while he waited for the wind to pick up!  He kept looking out at the water and skies – I could see his longing to go – but knowing the sailing would be better if we got some wind  – otherwise he’d be rowing!

This dream of sailing really started as a young boy – traveling with his experienced sailing parents on their boat.  When asked what he liked about living aboard – his response was simple:  “I liked all of it!  I liked going to new places everyday, I love sailing, this is just the beginning.  Once I’m out of high school, I have plans to sail around the world, solo.”  I responded “Just like Dove?” and he smiled and shuffled his feet “Yea, Just like Dove, I’ve read that book dozens of times!”

Richard in Seldovia Harbor

Richard and Lynx on a sunny day sailing in to Seldovia’s harbor!

Richard and Zac

Richard and Zac out on Lynx! Photo by Jen Gordon

He and his mom will be here in Seldovia all summer, “Sailing all summer!”  He mentioned that he could probably fit one more person in the boat, and that it would be fun to have a friend along.  (As proof of that, his mom, Jen, sent me this photo of Richard and Zac out for a cruise a few days later!)

Besides sailing all around the bay, he’s also looking forward to exploring!   “I was actually thinking of taking the boat camping this summer, to hang a tarp over the boom.”  As we parted ways he assured me that he’ll always wear his life jacket and that he’ll continue moving in the direction of his dreams!

Reminds me a bit of Mark Twain   “Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do.   So throw off the bowlines.   Sail away from the safe harbor.  Catch the trade winds in your sails.  Explore.  Dream.  Discover.”

Richard's first sail

Taking off! Photo by Jen Gordon

So Richard, at 14 you have already taken hold of a very simple – yet difficult concept, taking action towards making your dreams a reality!

We are happy for your success and persistence and hard work that brought you here to this day, making your dream happen – setting off in your own boat for the very first time!

Thanks for making Seldovia your first port of call, your home port and celebrating your inaugural sail with us!  We wish you the very best in your endeavors and many days of strong winds and safe sailing!

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  1. SeldoviaGal says:

    Sent by Stew Winterson:

    … This is such a memory producing article.. I envy the young man, and his family.. The cat boat is a perfect sailing craft!! That sail design is older than the Bible.. Such a great design.. I assume someone there made that sail… The parent’s gift of that marine plywood was heartwarming reading.. That is positive parenting.. A lovely article….
    Glad to see mention of wearing the life preserver all of the time.. Camping out with a tarp over the boom is perfect too!! A great life ahead for the sailor man.. Read everything about the waters and boating.. The worlds oceans and our human bodies share a similar salt content, so we are meant to be on and in the waters…. A great future awaits your nautical dreams….
    Hugs to you wonderful Seldovia folks.. My time there with Dave and Peggy, and their SeaTow dreams was a terrific time… Our mutual love of the waters brought us all together… Keep safe and learning… I had a sailboat as a teen, and that led to more and more nautical adventures… I am now retired and still working with SeaTow Palm Beach, and spending much time on our waterways and the Atlantic Ocean side of Fl and the Bahamas… This article was wonderful reading.. It makes me feel very good to see this young man growing… Hugs to u all..
    //Stew… W. Palm Beach.

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