HEA Update – Saturday 2:30am – Power Lost in Seldovia Due to High Winds

| December 29, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Joe Gallagher

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The Jakolof Bay Road area and part of Seldovia is without power Saturday morning due to high winds.

The area was being served by Gerry Willard Generation Plant, but  at approximately 12:45 am Saturday, a fault on the power line interrupted the operation of the generator.

HEA was able to restart the generator, but a portion of the town  and the power line along Jakolof Bay Road to McKeon Flats is not energized.  The area will need to be patrolled before it can be put on generation.

HEA will attempt to get a crew to Seldovia Saturday morning to work on getting power restored to the affected area.

Port Graham and Nanwalek are currently being served by the emergency generator in Port Graham.

If you do not have power, please call HEA’s outage reporting hotline at 1-888-8OUTAGE (1-888-868-8243).

Please remember to always stay away from downed power lines. The lines are extremely dangerous and getting too close to a line can cause serious injury or death.

For more information, please contact Joe Gallagher at 398-3478

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