HEA Update – Friday 3:30pm – Seldovia Still Powered by Generation Plant

| December 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Joe Gallagher

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Seldovia, Port Graham, and Nanwalek will continue to be served by the Gerry Willard Generation Plant and the generator in Port Graham until repairs are made to the power line in the Big Tutka Bay area.

On Friday, HEA crews patrolled the power line between Big Tutka and Little Tutka Bay. The line was damaged during a snow storm on December 24th.

The crew has flown over the line several times in a helicopter and has also been on the ground inspecting individual poles, but as of Friday afternoon they have not been able to pinpoint the exact location of the problem.

Due to the lack of daylight, the crew is heading back to Homer late this afternoon and will return to the Big Tutka Bay area on Saturday.

Generators in Seldovia and Port Graham will continue to provide the area with power until the main line can be repaired.

If you do not have power, please call HEA’s outage reporting hotline at 1-888-8OUTAGE (1-888-868-8243).

Please remember to always stay away from downed power lines. The lines are extremely dangerous and getting too close to a line can cause serious injury or death.

For more information, please contact Joe Gallagher at 398-3478

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