Gear up for the SRSA Annual Outdoor Gear Swap!

| November 9, 2013 | 0 Comments

by Damara Burnett

In anticipation of the winter season, the SRSA will be collecting quality, used outdoor gear to be resold at our annual gear swap. This is a great opportunity to sell outdoor recreation items you no longer use . . . . and perhaps pick up something you’ve always wanted! Clean out your closets and pass around some quality outdoor gear to other Seldovians. Winter recreation items will be in high demand (skis, snowboards, skates, boots, coats, sleds) but other items, like camping and fishing gear, are always quickly snagged up!


How does the swap work? Sellers drop off their gear at the Sea Otter Community Center BEFORE the swap, naming their price on each item. Volunteers take care of the rest. Money and unsold gear can be picked up after 3pm on the day of the swap. (Sellers can choose to keep their profits or donate to the SRSA.)

Two dates to drop off gear: Saturday, November 23rd & 30th from 11-4

Annual Outdoor Gear Swap: SATURDAY, DECEMBER 7th @ 11:00 am

A chili and cornbread lunch will also be available at the Swap, with all proceeds to benefit Craig Barnard’s Learn-to-Ski program for kids. (SNACKS!!)


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