Congratulations Seldovia Graduates! Part IV of V – Alexandria Lauren Swick

| May 16, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

This week, we are honoring our 5 Seldovia graduates, Alexandria (Xandria), Aydana, Chaela, Kaitlyn and Taylor!  5 beautiful girls with 5 stories to share about their Seldovia experience in school and community!  This is part I of V in a series this week!  Graduation will be held at Susan B English school on May 20, 2014 at 4:00pm in the school gymnasium and all are welcome to celebrate with our graduates and families!

There is one exception as Aydana Omar will be leaving Seldovia for Kazakhstan on Monday, the day before graduation, so there will be a Community Graduation/Certificate Ceremony for her on Sunday, May 18th at the Sea Otter Community Center at 4:00pm, with a potluck to follow – and all are welcome!

Xandria1Congratulations Xandria!

Gazette:  What is your “Seldovia” story?
Xandria:  I was born in Homer but was raised in this itty bitty town for all my eighteen years and have loved every minute of it. I know kids my age say they don’t like this town or can’t wait to leave it, but honestly I love this little town and plan on living here for the rest of my life. I love Seldovia because to me, it is so beautifully simple. I’m a small town girl and this small town is just perfect for me. This community is so helpful and a part of everything, it makes me feel like I have one big family.

xandrias 005Gazette:  As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Now, as a Senior – what do you want to be when you grow up? How has that changed?
Xandria:  When I was younger I wanted to be a figure skater but my dream was shattered when I realized I didn’t know how to figure skate. I quickly got over it and moved on to wanting to be paleontologist and then it was an archeologist and then a CSI. Now even though I am still interested in bones and such, I seem to be more into being a Forensic Psychologist or a Personality and Behavioral Psychologist. I am also into writing and have always enjoyed writing stories and creating characters. Of course I am also still waiting for my Hogwarts letter that must have been lost in the mail. (A girl can dream right?)  Over the years I have thought and thought about what I wanted to be when I grow up and it seems to always change, so I am going to embrace not knowing right now and live life. One thing that I know I want to be for sure is a mom.  (Not right now of course!) People say being a mom is the best job in the world, and one day, many years from now, that will be the job I want.  But I have some things to do before that.

xandria2Gazette:  What are some of your favorite school memories? Seldovia memories?
Xandria:  This year was by far my favorite year of school. It’s just been my happiest year overall and it has left me with so many great memories. Most of my favorite memories come from sports trips like the mixed six volleyball trips or the basketball trips. This year we traveled with the boys every time so it was nice, the atmosphere was a bit even. This year we all got to know each other very well just from spending so much time together in school and on the weekends on sports trips.  I am going to miss all those trips because so many of my cherished memories were made on them. We all have our inside jokes and stories about something funny that happened on them and those memories will always be with me. Like the time we stayed at KPC for regions and when the boys won regions. Or the time the girl’s team upset Lumen at regions. I will miss the long ferry rides, traveling by bus, early morning wake up calls, McDonalds/ Taco Bell/ Subway stops, and perhaps, what I will miss the most is the excitement we all share after our team gets a victory.

10363516_10202113075696889_1398394309_nGazette:  What are your plans this summer? This next year?
Xandria:  This summer, like always, I will head out to my 2nd home on Kalgin Island and set net fish at my family’s fish camp. I also plan on relaxing a little and enjoying the bliss of FINALLY being done with high school. I will return in August and head up to Kenai where I will be going to KPC. I am going in undecided on a major at the moment but hope that my first year away from home and seeing my options will help me figure out what I want to do.

Gazette:  Growing up requires a lot of help – who do you want to thank? Who made a big impression on you and has influenced you in a positive way? Who deserves a “Virtual Rose”?xandrias 008 Xandria:  I want to thank my family: My Mom and my Dad for raising me right and my three older brothers Keith, Jeff, and Griffin for being the best older brothers a girl could ask for. I want to thank Jen for being a great volleyball coach and for being like the older sister I never had. I want to thank all my grandparents for passing down their wisdom and sharing their experiences. I would also like to thank all my teachers that I’ve had over the years for teaching me and putting up with me all these years. My best friend Lily has always been there and has always made me smile. I would like to thank my god parents Peni and Toby for being there and sharing their lives with me. Thank you to Shad and Tiffany Haller for being amazing coaches and for giving me the best senior year in basketball. Thank you to all my friends in high school! I will miss every single one of you next year!

I would also like to thank the community and everyone in town. You may not know it but in some way whether it be big or small you have all helped me become the person I am today. Thank you so much for everything you have done.

Gazette:  What would you do with your life if you KNEW you could not fail?
Xandria:  Uh If I knew I couldn’t fail? Hmm, I think I would become a billionaire. I know money can’t buy you happiness, but what the heck it sure buys you a lot!

Gazette:  Final thoughts:
Xandria:  In the end I am so thankful that I grew up in this town and got to be a part of such a beautiful place. The memories I have made along the way will last a life time and I will always cherish them. I may be leaving and going to college but Seldovia will always be my home. So thank you all again for everything. And finally after all these years of waiting (since kindergarten) I am finally graduating! YAY!

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Category: Community, Education

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