Congratulations Seldovia Graduates! Part II of V – Chaela Ogle Hilts

| May 14, 2014 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

This week, we are honoring our 5 Seldovia graduates, Alexandria (Xandria), Aydana, Chaela, Kaitlyn and Taylor!  5 beautiful girls with 5 stories to share about their Seldovia experience in school and community!  This is part I of V in a series this week!  Graduation will be held at Susan B English school on May 20, 2014 at 4:00pm in the school gymnasium and all are welcome to celebrate with our graduates and families!

There is one exception as Aydana Omar will be leaving Seldovia for Kazakhstan on Monday, the day before graduation, so there will be a Community Graduation/Certificate Ceremony for her on Sunday, May 18th at the Sea Otter Community Center at 4:00pm, with a potluck to follow – and all are welcome!

Congratulations Chaela!

ChaelaThumbsUpGazette:  What is your “Seldovia” story?
Chaela:  My Seldovia story leads back to my large family. My biological grandpa grew up in Seldovia and was a successful fisherman. My biological mom and her siblings also grew up here.  Currently, I have more family members (though not blood related) that live in Seldovia, and they are the reason I moved here when I was 10. Paula and Gavin welcomed my brother and me into their home when things didn’t work out to live with other families in Anchorage.

ChaelaBabyPicGazette:  As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Now, as a Senior – what do you want to be when you grow up? How has that changed?
Chaela:  As a kid I always wanted to be a lawyer, because that was the dream of one of my older foster sisters. Now, I am hoping to get into some form of medicine or follow the path of working with children.  I love working with kids because they are so eager and excited about so many things, that we as adults see as simple. Its nice to have children around you in work because honestly at times it feels as if I am still a kid.

Whether that be teaching Head Start, or becoming a nurse, I’m not 100% sure.  Dreams change as you grow up and learn more about yourself.   I do know that I love to be able to help people and work with children, so I would like to pursue employment in those areas.

DevonLaurelChaelaGazette:  What are some of your favorite school memories? Seldovia memories?
Chaela:  There’s a lot of school memories that I can’t recall right this second, but one of them is when I met my sister Devon for the first time.   It was memorable meeting Devon because truthfully, at first, we did not get along. And then when we got to know each other, we became best friends. Little did we know that from that friendship my brother and I would be adopted into a very loving family.  Another memory I cherish is our East Coast trip in 2012 with the entire high school history class. We went to New York and saw the Statue of Liberty, among many other interesting and historic places. We had so much fun together.  And of course Marina was a huge part of my high school memories as she’s been such a great friend through thick and thin.

ChaelaRinaGazette:  What are your plans this summer? This next year?
Chaela:  I’m continuing to work the same job I had last summer, which is working with the children at Cha’nik’na children’s house. I am also going to be watching a little boy while his dad goes fishing and will definitely enjoy the new responsibility of that! This next year my main goal is to enjoy life outside of high school, as my plans aren’t set in stone. However, another huge goal I have is to make a successful move and to live on my own. I may end up going to college but right now I am enjoying my freedom.

ChaelaGavinGazette:  Growing up requires a lot of help – who do you want to thank? Who made a big impression on you and has influenced you in a positive way? Who deserves a “Virtual Rose”?
ChaelaRodSunniChaela:  There’s so many people who have helped me get to where I am today. My Hilts family, the Hoards, the O’Learys, the Gains, the Chissus family, my grandma Martha Ogle, Marina Chissus, Ginger Moffet, Sirena Turner, Kaitlyn Hecks, Mariah Turner, and Matt Rurka. Most importantly is my brother Hoyt Ogle who has always believed in me and been a good influence on positivity in my life.

Gazette:  What would you do with your life if you KNEW you could not fail?
Chaela:  I would definitely be a pediatric surgeon!

ChaelaBeachGazette:  Final thoughts?
Chaela:  Growing up in Seldovia has been a blessing and I am so glad I ended up where my family roots are. And no matter what people say, you’ll miss it when you leave.  I’ve been told it’s okay to not know your entire life plans as a young adult, and I am hoping that is true.  So for now, I am sticking to enjoying my new freedom and the new sense of responsibility.


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Category: Community, Education

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