City of Seward – Press Release #20

| September 23, 2012 | 0 Comments

Sunday, September 23, 2012 at 4:00 p.m.

*New Information:

Be Advised! The Department of Environmental Conservation has issuing the following advisory for Kenai Peninsula property owners near flooding streams and rivers: Flooded wells may be contaminated with bacteria or other microorganisms that can cause illness. People with onsite wells on flooded property should boil water used for drinking, cooking, hand washing, or dish washing. Boil filtered and settled water vigorously for two minutes. After the flooding has subsided, the well and water system should be disinfected with chlorine and thoroughly flushed, and then tested by a certified laboratory to ensure the water is safe to drink.

The City of Seward EOC will stand-down at 6:00 p.m. this evening and will resume operations at 6:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. To report non-emergencies during these hours within the city, contact the Seward Police Department dispatch at 224-3338. For residents outside the city with non-emergencies, contact the borough’s EOC at 907-714-2484.

Lowell Point Road is closed until further notice.  Crews will continue to work on the road until 7:00 p.m. tonight and will resume again in the morning.  Until further notice, Lowell Point Road will remain closed.

The same National Weather Service flood warning for the Seward area is in effect until 4:00 p.m. Monday –

DOT reports the water is almost clear on the Seward Highway, but to still use caution.  Crews are also working to widen Nash Road at the mile 2 area.  Local tributaries are subsiding.

The Borough reports they are gaining on ground repair efforts at Box Canyon, Questa Woods, and Old Mill Subdivisions.  They continue to work with city crews to repair the electric utility on Lois Way, which will remain without power until the water subsides.

Dieckgraeff Road is still closed at Maple Street.  This is access to the local transfer/refuse facility.  Efforts are underway to place a dumpster for those needing to dispose of their household refuse at the closure on Dieckgraeff Road and Maple Street.  This would be for household refuse only and not for storm debris.

Road Updates:

  • Lagoon Boardwalk – closed
  • DIECKGRAEFF ROAD:  closed at Maple Street, the new levee is holding.
  • SEWARD HIGHWAY: the travel advisory remains in effect.  Use caution.  Mile 3.5 may have flaggers and is open to traffic.  Use caution.
  • LOWELL POINT ROAD:  closed until further notice due to landslides.

Traffic advisories issued for all Seward area roads.

*Previous Information:

Some flood pictures are posted on the city’s website – (See September 2012 Flood Pictures)

The Kenai Peninsula Borough is coordinating with the Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation (ADEC) to provide assistance with water quality testing. Homeowners that may be concerned about well water or septic tanks being damaged due to flooding are encouraged to call the ADEC office in Kenai at 907-262-3408 for more information.

The water system for the City of Seward remains intact, and two potable water sites are available for personal container fill-ups at the RV dump stations located at B Street and Ballaine.

The shelter remains closed, if anyone needs shelter assistance please call the Emergency Operations Center and they will make arrangements.  Seward Animal Shelter is able to take pets for those evacuating their homes.  Call Shellie at 907-491-0000.

In the event of an emergency, please call the Seward Police Department at 9-1-1.

*Updates are also posted on the City’s Community Alert Pages, where you can also sign up for email and/or text updates (recommended):

Note:  Click on Emergency Alerts for all future notifications.
Johanna Kinney, City Clerk,

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