Candidates for Seldovia City Council

| September 30, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

Come out and Vote on Tuesday, October 2, 2012 at the Multi-purpose room from 7am to 8pm for the municipal elections.

There are two seats available on our council and we have three individuals running.

The two incumbents are Gerry Patrick and John Colberg, each having served two terms, and Kris Lethin is entering the race this year!

I posed a few questions to all three candidates so that we could get a glimpse into their thoughts and ideas regarding their position on the council and their hopes and aspirations for the community of Seldovia.

Gerry Patrick
1)  What is your interest/reason for seeking another term with the Seldovia City Council?
I enjoy doing it, I enjoy the interaction with the council and solving problems.  I’ve served 2 and a half terms, so this would be my third election. I’m retired from the fire department, so I’m not working there, but I enjoy and want to serve our community, and the council has been a great way to stay involved.
2) What is your experience for this position?  What was your greatest achievement?
Not necessarily my achievement, but as a council we have done and accomplished many good things since we hired a good city manager, it has made all the difference. To me it is very evident to see the changes that have happened over the last few years, as well as all the general improvements for our community.  We are a cohesive group of people who work very well together.  We didn’t have that before.  The Council, City Manager and City Employees have really come together and there has been a big improvement in the city’s ability to deal with issues and see resolutions.  There aren’t as many complaints as there once were, and it is a much more positive environment.
3) What are your primary concerns for Seldovia, and how do you intend to impact the community through your position on the city council?
I’ll have to think about that one.  We are making headway, one step at a time, we have projects laid out and our job is to ensure that those projects are completed.  For example, the value added food processing facility, water/sewer improvements, the SHARE project and the filtration plant along with many other projects that relate to the support and sustainability of the city.  We are making progress, and that impacts the community.
4) What do you feel is the greatest challenge for the council, and how do you intend to remedy or improve that?
Just moving forward can be difficult, but the people are good to work with, and it is exciting to see the good in all of the accomplishments we have made.  Getting things done is our biggest challenge, but we are moving forward with things like the fish processing facility, the harbor renovations and water filtration plant – all of these things will make a big difference for Seldovia.
I just wanted to say:  Thank you to the community of Seldovia for having the confidence in me and for electing me for two terms, and I look forward to serving again.

John Colberg
1)  What is your interest/reason for seeking a position with the Seldovia City Council?
Well,things are moving forward, I am proud to be part of the change.  We will get the fish processing building here, which is a big step forward, meaning more jobs.  I like the way things are going – new water plant – and many other city projects.  Job opportunities are important, we need more people with family and kids, but I know it won’t happen overnight!  I joke about it, but I want to see the town come out of the stone age.  We’ve been stagnant, not doing anything for a number of years.  It will take a lot of different groups and people working together, like Ted and Patty Stallings, who took over the lodge and is bringing Heliski in this winter. This will be the start of getting winter tourism.  I believe you can get just as much business in the winter as during the summer with the right operation.  It is important to think outside the box – we must not be afraid of change and as a council we need to help people/businesses be successful in Seldovia.
I’m a long time Seldovian, as I was born here in the old hospital – now the Willard’s home.  Speaking of Gerry, God rest his soul, he got me elected the first time!   I like being part of the progress and change.   I’m hoping for more change that will bring more jobs.   To me, if you don’t change and move forward with the rest of the world, you will eventually become extinct.   The last 4 years with our city manager – we’ve made lots of progress, but we have a long way to go!  I want to continue to be a part of that.
2) What is your experience for this position?  What was your greatest achievement?
I have served 2 terms – so this would be my third term.  There really isn’t one thing that stands out – there are so many things we have accomplished as a group – so many things are ongoing.  I think things through – and I encourage council to stand our ground and stick it out – even when it is difficult.  We have to keep moving forward, little by little, even though all the little bits of change can create opposition.  There has been a time or two where I would say no to something – but most everything has been geared towards change, and I’m for that!  The last 3 years things have been getting things done that have been planned for a long time.  Tim (city manager)  has made a big difference in all the progress lately, he is very diplomatic – that’s why we hired him!
3) What are your primary concerns for Seldovia, and how do you intend to impact the community through your position on the city council?
I always want to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.  Besides all the things we talked about already (more jobs, improved infrastructure) along every building, and down the streets, I would love to see two feet of dirt, with grass, flowers and dirt, green and beautiful.  Growing up, Main Street had lots of trees and green spaces, and the boardwalk.  When urban renewal came in our Main Street looked like a gravel airstrip.  I would like to see the beauty put back into the city.
4) What do you feel is the greatest challenge for the council, and how do you intend to remedy or improve that?
The biggest challenge on the council for me is the frustration of making plans and how long it takes sometimes to accomplish the results.  Everything involves so many entities to proceed, and that process can be super slow.  One thing that we are working on, is getting rid of the clash among our entities.  Eventually it will happen, it gets better over time.  For the community to move forward we all have to get along and work together.  For a while it was all the same people, we grew up together, had the same visions for the community, but over the years – it has changed.  Some folks are happy about change, and others long for the way things used to be.  When we as a council disagree, the City Manager does a great job seeing through the personal things and helps us to work things out – he is very diplomatic.
Kris Lethin
1)  What is your interest/reason for seeking a position with the Seldovia City Council?
I’ve always been community involved.  My past history has always included being involved in serving in a lot of different organizations, and even though I’m retired, and I don’t have to do this, I want like to make a contribution to the city of Seldovia.  With my background and experience, I think I can do that!
2) What is your experience for this position?  
I’ve been a corporate CEO in a number of different corporations, done numerous management and marketing kinds of things, and with those skills I feel I can be a help to Seldovia.  I think that Seldovia is slowly declining, and we need to get some population back here, and get more kids in the school, which means more families in the community.
Though I’ve never served on the Seldovia City Council before, I have served in the State Legislature.  I served in the 10th Legislature, and one of our big accomplishments was passing the Permanent Fund Dividend for Alaska.
3) What are your primary concerns for Seldovia, and how do you intend to impact the community through your position on the city council?
I’m trying to impact the city without being on the council right now.  I’ve actually gone up to the school, and spoken with the students about our declining population.  What are their ideas about how to grow the community?  They are very interested in getting engaged in marketing Seldovia, it is great to see, and I want to encourage the students to take initiative in looking at solutions for their community of Seldovia.
I’ve also been talking with a number of people in town believing that the internet is a key way to reach more people and grow our population.  Seldovia is a great solution for those who like our lifestyle and can work from any location online.  I realize that the fisheries are a big part of what we can do here, and we should continue to pursue that, but it will take time.  Focusing on the internet business/entrepreneurial people is something we can do immediately, that could have an immediate effect on the community.  We campaigned with ACS to go from 1 mg to 10 meg and with SpotWSpots we now have 16 meg available!  This is something we should be promoting and featuring as a great value for those looking to sustain or build an online business in Seldovia dependent on high-speed internet!
4) What do you feel is the greatest challenge for the council, and how do you intend to remedy or improve that?
The council’s greatest challenge is to stay on track as they are now, I think that we have an excellent city manager – we are blessed with the fact that we have Tim Dillon here.  Without him, we would have been suffering mightily now without his talent, experience and connections.  I don’t have any criticism of the city council, I’m just interested in bringing my talents to the game.
I know in Anchorage the city council has a group that is focused on economic development, talking about what they can do to bring and encourage businesses and people to Anchorage.  We need the same thing here, and I don’t believe that the Chamber of Commerce is the end-all, I think it needs to come from a collaborative effort with the council.   We need to market our community and let the people know how special Seldovia is, and what the benefits are to an individual or family considering a move into our community.

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