Cameren D. Blodgett – 2012 Seldovia Graduate

| May 22, 2012 | 0 Comments


1. What is your “Seldovia” story?

My “Seldovia” story started when I was eleven years old, when I first moved to Seldovia on July 3rd.   Because we were new in town, and Seldovia, being as small as it is, we were welcomed with open arms and people sort of “showed us how it is,” in the small town of Seldovia.   Throughout the years here I’ve made some really great friends who I won’t ever forget, I met them all in Junior High and they are still friends with me to this day.

Apparently I was a handful in my schooling years up at Susan B. English, however in around 10th grade I slowly turned around into what I hoped was the person I would become (and the teachers hoped as well).   As I write this I have come to terms with myself in the regard that I will be moving on with my life, and that now is the time to look back on everything that has come to pass in this quiet little town.   All I can think of is all the good times I have come to share with all of the people here, and all I can hope for is that they enjoyed their time with me as much as I did with them.

 2.  As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? Now, as a Senior – what do you want to be when you grow up? How has that changed?

When I was a child I wanted to become a doctor.   So far it hasn’t changed much from that, I have decided my ultimate goal would be to become a paramedic.   So all in all, I just went from in the hospital, to pre-hospital.

3. What are some of your favorite school memories? Seldovia memories?

My favorite school memory was our old Principal Mr.Liberty who didn’t like “airborne objects in his airspace,” thus meaning don’t throw stuff while he is around.   So on his last day of school, a friend and I grabbed a bag of bouncy balls and bounced them everywhere in the commons area of the school.  Don’t get me wrong, Mr.Liberty was a great sport and I will always have great respect for the person he is.

My best Seldovia memory has to be every time I go fishing with my Dad,  I get to enter and leave the harbor and see the whole town from a distance on the water and I get to enjoy the natural abundance of life that is in the great ocean.

4.  What are your plans this summer? This next year?

My plan this summer is to go into the Navy on June 12th and I will still be in the Navy next year.

5.  Growing up requires a lot of help – who do you want to thank? Who made a big impression on you and has influenced you in a positive way? Who deserves a “Virtual Rose”?

With me especially, growing up required help, I wasn’t exactly a perfect mannered child.  I would like to thank my entire family, brothers included, for the positive way they have effected my life.

Firstly I would like to thank Levi, for showing me that no matter how frustrating he can be, that if I just give him a chance he can be the best little brother, and kindest person I’ve ever had the pleasure of meeting.

Secondly my older brother Joel, for teaching me patience is good, but to be blunt sometimes can help move things along a little faster.

Thirdly, my oldest brother Josh.  To always be yourself and not concern yourself with how others interpret you to be, and not follow the regular guidelines of life, but to carve your own path.

Also to my Mother, the kindness, tenderness, support, love, and everything else that the greatest mother could be is what you are and will always remain.  If I could change something about you it would be nothing because you are the best mother I could have ever had the pleasure of having in my life.

And lastly to my Father.  For teaching me moral values, how important it is to live up to your word, to believe in yourself, to never give up and believe you can always go farther than what your mind thinks you can do. I will be so eternally grateful for all of your lessons and words of advice, if I was to become half the man you are, I would be the second greatest man in the world.

I love all of you.

6.  What would you do with your life if you KNEW you could not fail?

I don’t believe I will fail, I plan to go to college to be a paramedic to try and save people’s lives and make an impact on other people’s lives and give myself purpose every day.

Final thoughts:

To those whom I did not mention, I am terribly sorry, and I will try to get you next time.   Live your lives to the fullest and never look back with regret.

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Category: Education

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