AMHS Comes to Seldovia Twice Today!

| February 28, 2012 | 0 Comments

by Jenny Chissus

UPDATE (6:46pm Tuesday the 28th):

Just spoke with the Homer office, and they just cut the lines to send the Tusty to Seldovia – she should arrive in Seldovia at 8:00pm!  Expect a quick turnaround in Seldovia – about a half hour – if possible!

UPDATE (2:06pm Tuesday the 28th):

I just checked in with the Homer terminal office, and on their voice recording this is the latest schedule:

Arrival in Homer from Kodiak:  4:30pm
Depart Homer for Seldovia:  5:00pm
Arrival in Seldovia from Homer:  6:30pm
Depart Seldovia for Homer:  7:00pm
Arrival in Homer from Seldovia:  8:15pm
Depart Homer for Kodiak:  10:30pm

Sounds like a BUSY day for the Tusty!!!

Previous notice below (now not relevant) 

Planning a trip out of Seldovia isn’t always an easy endeavor.  Today, since we are taking the ferry out at the expected 5:45pm departure time, I was on the phone with the Homer office to verify the schedule.  Rumor had it that the ferry was going to come to Seldovia, then head right off to Kodiak!  This would certainly not work, if we are trying to get to Homer for a dentist appointment tomorrow!

So, after a few talks with the Homer office, and with the Seldovia AMHS office – Tim Dillon, our fabulous city manager called to let me know that he just received word, that at this time, the Tustumena will be arriving here in Seldovia around 5:00pm this evening, direct from Kodiak (running very late due to weather out in the Gulf).

I checked the update on the AMHS site – and it conflicts with what we are getting from our local AMHS offices (which have direct contact with the ship) –  it doesn’t appear to be updated information – and when you call the 800 number (I did at 11:34am this morning) they still had an arrival time of 1:15pm today – which is certainly not accurate.

I called the Homer AMHS office at 11:40am today and received confirmation that the information at this time is that after the Tustumena comes to Seldovia at 5:00pm- it will leave here at 6:15pm – go to Homer, then the Tusty should leave Homer around 10:30pm to return to Seldovia (arrival expected around 11:45pm) prior to leaving for Kodiak .

That is the news we have right now!  However, please stay tuned, and our advice is to call the local terminal for more information as it becomes available!

If you are hoping to leave Seldovia for Homer – call Seldovia office 234-7643 or Homer office 235-8449 around 3pm for a more accurate update.  If you are leaving from Homer to Seldovia – call in around 4:00pm for an update regarding departure out of Homer.

Please DO NOT consider this final information – it is still weather dependent, and please contact the local offices for updates!  I’m just trying to keep you informed that changes are happening! Thank you!

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