Alternative Energy in Seldovia

| January 16, 2013 | 3 Comments

130116 Erik Energy

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Category: Bulletin Board

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  1. Revols Love says:

    all it takes is for the community to take a positive stand for the better of the whole.i wish you all in seldovia,,, the best of results in this endeavor.i agree that it would make things alot more pleasent for many in your little town you call paradise.. bright blessings…

  2. Bryan Barratt says:

    we will be there also.

  3. Brian Slover says:

    I Went to Eric presentation on Monday, and after listening to his approach as to why he does what he is doing I'm going on Wednesday also…the community of Seldovia is going to be a much better place with his involvement. Independent power that reliable and affordable will allow our elders to live in safety and comfort while others must fire up the generator or light a lamp until HEA fixes the problem again…just the savings on not having to replace the refrigerator and freezers and put up massive amounts of wood every fall will make life here a lot more productive….I encourage all that suffer from our expensive and unreliable power source to attend his presentation..thank you Eric for choosing to live and make a go of it her..we are and will be better because of it…you add to the packaged we call paradise…

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